Why we give tzedakah
Whether you can contribute in money or kind, your donations are critical to the ongoing success of our community. You can click here to donate via secure online credit card payment or be in touch with the Shul to see where you could volunteer or contribute a special skill in need. Donations are used to fund maintenance and larger capital projects around the campus, upkeep of our magnificent facilities and Shul expenditure. If you would like to assist families in need, your donation can be specifically marked for the Rabbi’s fund.
Why we give tzedakah
Tzedakah is a fundamental element of Judaism. It’s seen as a moral obligation to help those in need and contribute to the betterment of a community and society at large. By giving tzedakah, you fulfil this duty and uphold values of compassion, justice, and kindness.
During Yizkor and when commemorating a Yahrzeit, we pledge to give Tzedakah in the name of those loved ones who have passed on. We not only honour their values and legacy but give their Neshama a source of merit they can no longer do on their own.
Hashem promises abundant financial Brocha when committing to give Tzedakah. Despite giving, you get back much more in return. This is certainly not an easy mitzvah – but displays one’s tremendous emunah and bitachon in Hashem.